
Hello, my name is Diana. I’m the Founder of The Brow Academy, and I’m ready  to share with you all my SECTRES, on how to become a Successful Brow Artist. ​

I’ve started to develop a passion for Eyebrows since I was in High School, this being the reason why I chose to study Beauty Therapy back in 2015. ​ After attending OVER 25+ Courses I understood that this is what I enjoy doing the most.

After 7 years of continuous developing my skills and improving my knowledge I got the opportunity to be able to share everything I know with YOU. ​

I absolutely love learning new things, and I think this is the only way to get Better and Better in what you do. There’s always room for progression, I don’t plan to stop here! ​

With a Strong Background in the Beauty industry specialising in Brows and Skin Treatments, I have gained numerous awards in The Brow competitions from all over the world.

I’m here to inspire you to become ’’The best Version of yourself’’

Nothing comes easy, and I’ve understood that to become Successful you have Work Hard, Practice and Learn new things EVERYDAY! ​

Back in 2017, I relocated to England, it wasn’t easy at all. I felt like I’m starting over again and that I won’t be able to learn the Language and Integrate myself. It was HARD but NOT IMPOSSIBLE!

Here I am today, telling you my story and inform you that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE if you want to make it HAPPEN!

‘’Success isn’t about what you accomplish in life, it’s about what you inspire others to do!’’

Can’t wait to meet you,

Your sincerely Diana.
